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Hounds Blog — anxiety

Herbal pet care with real results

anxiety dorwest dorwest herbs herbal pet care ivdd joint care phantom pregnancies recovery

Herbal pet care with real results

We've been barking on at Hounds for a while now about Dorwest and some of you might be wondering what it's all about, I know I was curious when I kept seeing reviews about Dorwest products and the fabulous results people were seeing in their Dogs so here's my own experience with Dorwest Herbs on my own Dogs. Flashback to March when life was a little bit more normal, me and the team visited Crufts. I knew Dorwest had a stand so I dragged everyone along to meet the Dorwest team and see the products for myself. At the time...

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Separation Anxiety- Returning to work after Covid

anxiety behaviour covid dog trainer going back to work leaving the dog returning to work

Separation Anxiety- Returning to work after Covid

We have passed the reigns of the blog over to our very good friend Pippa, we know a few of your are worried about returning to work and leaving your dogs so hopefully, her knowledge can offer you some help! Hi! I'm Pippa. I'm a Canine Behaviour student, a lifelong dog owner and lover, a mother and an all-round dog nerd! Amongst other things I primarily work helping families to live the best, harmonious life they can with their dogs. You can see my little girl's journey growing up with dogs on Instagram, search @growingupwith_dogs. As more and more of...

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