Herbal pet care with real results

Herbal pet care with real results

We've been barking on at Hounds for a while now about Dorwest and some of you might be wondering what it's all about, I know I was curious when I kept seeing reviews about Dorwest products and the fabulous results people were seeing in their Dogs so here's my own experience with Dorwest Herbs on my own Dogs.

Flashback to March when life was a little bit more normal, me and the team visited Crufts. I knew Dorwest had a stand so I dragged everyone along to meet the Dorwest team and see the products for myself. At the time I was looking for something to calm our Dog Loki down, the best way I can describe Loki is, he's highly strung! He's scared of other Dogs, barks at his own shadow you get where am going! After chatting with the Dorwest team and sharing a mutual love of Dachshunds I left with a tub of Scullcap & Valerian tablets and they are a forever staple in my Dogs cupboard (yep they have their own cupboard). So when we started using the Scullcap & Valerian tablets I was warned it can take 2 weeks before you see any results, personally I noticed a difference in a few days! He became more settled at home, better in the car and more manageable on walks. Don't me wrong Loki still does not like other Dogs but he had started to accept he would see other pooches on walks and carry on his own walk with less barking!

Despite having four other Dogs it always seems to be Loki that lands himself in trouble and he did just that one-day play-fighting in the garden! He landed badly and sustained a nasty injury! For 2 long weeks, Loki was in a bad way and I didn't know what to do for the best, he was loaded on painkillers and was only allowed out of his crate for the toilet. What a nightmare! Thankfully his painkillers knocked him out so two weeks went by and the pain killers ran out. After a vet visit, Loki was given the thumbs up to start small walks and swimming. We decided we didn't want to keep him on pain killers if we could avoid it as he was just a dopey dog on them so I dropped Dorwest a message and if ever you need any help or advice on Dorwest products then drop me or the Dorwest gang a message because there really is a product for every dog and every situation. It was recommended by Dorwest to put Loki on the Glucosamine & Chondroitin tablets - they provide the building blocks to manufacture collagen and proteoglycans in the joint cartilage and synovial membrane which produces the fluid lubricating the joints. The tablets can also be given alongside his Valerian & Scullcap tablets so we can keep Loki nice and calm while getting help repairing his joints.

Lokis recovery has been a combination of a lot of things but I have no doubt that his Dorwest tablets have helped aid him and build him back up. I am so impressed with the Glucosamine & Chondroitin tablets that I have put all my dogs on them daily to help keep them nice and strong, aid joint mobility and stop them being jealous that Loki has something in his bowl that they don't! Dog mum life!

So all these tablets must be a pain? Not at all. Ideally, tablets should be given an hour before or after a meal, powders can be added to meals. Our Dogs are scamps so we hide the tablets in their food so they don't see them. So we lay out the packs' breakfast add their tablets and job done! Moving forward with Loki I'm happy to keep him on his current Dorwest combination, it works well for him and if anything its got me intrigued by Dorwests other products! We have just ordered some Raspberry leaf tablets for our bitch Cinnamon, as she is prone to phantom pregnancies, and these tablets can prevent phantom pregnancies from occurring and even reduce symptoms, but you have to start them before a bitches season so I will report back on our findings in a few months on these.

Until then here's 10% off all Dorwest goods using code LOKI10 at the checkout!

If you have any questions on Dorwest products let me know :) I am a very happy bunny as I have recently passed my Dorwest Stockist test and have a head full of Dorwest knowledge that I can now pass on to you guys along with my own experience.

If you already use the range and want to bark about how good it is please do! We would love to hear!

You can read all about Loki's recovery in our previous blog post here.



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