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Hounds Blog — grooming

Soothe Itchy Skin Naturally

allergies dog walks grooming herbal pet care herbs

Soothe Itchy Skin Naturally

As the temperatures finally start to rise we thought we would focus on a common health concern among our canine companions that we often see in the warmer months - skin conditions.  So first up, how do I identify a skin problem? Keep an eye out for dry flaky skin on your dog, if they have longer hair you might need to part it so you can see the skin. Itching and nibbling at paws especially can be tell tail signs as is bald spots and any redness. Okay so you've identified your Dog is suffering with itchy skin, heres...

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Managing Knots and Mats at Home

dogs grooming matting

Managing Knots and Mats at Home

This post is all about keeping your dog’s coat healthy and why sometimes there’s no option but for a shorter fur-doo.

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Pre-Autumn & Winter Groom - Everything You Need To Know!

autumn groom dog grooming blog grooming winter groom

Pre-Autumn & Winter Groom - Everything You Need To Know!

A blog post all about why a pre-autumn and winter groom is beneficial to your dog.

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